Monday, November 17, 2008

I love Sundays!

So yesterday, oh my goodness, it was the BEST day yet here at the MTC for sure! Sundays are awesome! It started out with breakfast at 7:20. Yes, can you believe it? Me up at 6:30 a.m. every day! I can't. Then we had Sacrament Meeting at 8:00 and me and my comp passed the sacrament, which was pretty cool. Then we had personal study time until priesthood meeting at 11:10. Then lunch, then more classroom and study time, and then at 3:00 we get to go to the residence halls and relax and do whatever we want until dinner.

Okay, but now is the good part! We had our devotional by Pres. David Madsen and his wife, which was really good.  But the concluding song, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", it was AMAZING! It was so, so amazing singing it with so many missionaries, two or three thousand I think. Man it was so awesome I can't even hardly explain it. The spirit felt so strong as we sang it I wanted to just sing it again and again and again. I got chills like multiple times.

Then my favorite part, we watched "Joseph Smith - The Prophet". That movie is so amazing! I got chills like I never have before. When he kneels down and that darkness begins to overcome him, I had the chills throughout my whole body. Even my head was tingling. It was amazing...I just loved it.


Elder Gray

P.S. The food here seems to be getting worse at time goes on. Sad. Horrible chicken today. The skin was like crunchy hard. So I had some cereal. Cereal is always an option, which is very nice. Oh, and the chocolate milk hasn't failed me yet either.  ;-)

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