Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Teaching a Great Family

First of all I just want to thank everyone!! For all of your support! It really means so much to me and it helps me to keep on going every single day!

The work is going pretty good. The language on the other hand, man, it is so tough! I can’t understand a word anyone says! They all speak so fast its crazy! But I know that I will get it. I have faith in the Lord and I know that through him, anything is possible. He doesn’t ask of us to do anything that is not possible, so I just keep going every day and work hard at it.

The people here are great though. They are patient with me not being able to say what I’m trying to say to them very fast. They are really awesome. The people on the streets, however, are sometimes a whole different story. You get ignored so much! Even if all I want to do is say a friendly hello, they tend to not say a word back. Sometimes when we are making street contacts we have to literally step in front of their face and say Boa Tarde! And I try to be really outgoing and outspoken (even though I can’t hardly say what I want to.) But when we try to be outgoing with them they usually at least say hi back. But then when they find out we are from the church...they don’t want anything to do with it. Sometimes we get people that literally run away from us. Kind of sad I think. They have no idea what they are missing out on!

The mission is an amazing thing. I have already come to find that. Mainly with the investigators that are progressing. We have this family, I don’t know their last name, sorry, but it’s hard to remember even just their first names! (And it doesn’t help that they have like 5 names!) But anyways, the husband, Jose Carlos, is a member. He was baptized last year and now we are teaching his wife and 3 of his kids and his son’s girlfriend! It’s awesome! His wife is dong really well lately, she is reading and praying. We talked about baptism yesterday and she got like way into it. So, I hope we will soon extend the commitment for her to be baptized and that she will accept!! I pray for her and their family so much. I know the gospel has already blessed their lives. Ineida (the wife) really has just been so much happier lately. It is just awesome!

Well I have already run out of time. But I will write again next week and fill you all in on a bit more about my crazy life right now! I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week and don’t forget to pray, pray, pray! 



1 comment:

  1. My littlest (well I guess I should say youngest) brother is on a mission! Wow. Thats just awesome! Rob, I know you are going to be the greatest missionary! Keep up the good work Elder! I Love You Man!
