Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hard Week

This week was pretty good, we got transfer calls, my old comp is gone, and now I’m with the Elders of Olhao till tomorrow. But I’m really not happy at all about my new comp. I know who it is. Its worse than before. I feel like I deserved to get a new GOOD comp. Worse? I am having a really hard time having the faith in the fact it must be for a good reason. I’m really stressing about it. He is Portuguese which is the only good thing and the fact my Portuguese will improve, but he is super boring and well I won’t go way into it cuz I hate being negative, but I’m not happy. I’m having a hard time. I thought sunshine came after rain. I don’t know, its just not good. I know I need to be positive, but I’m not perfect, so I’m a bit down right now and I’m sorry.

This week we went to the house of a inactive member named Maria Cabral. She is so, so funny, and we also visited Senhor Joao. He is hilarious! So I really loved it. They are just really funny and its fun to be over there. We had this candy lesson thing and he just was acting like a 10 year old it was so awesome. He isn’t a member and it’s fun going over there. We also taught Irmao Pinto again. I really enjoy teaching him because I seem to always be able to feel the spirit in the room and he pays good attention too. We talked about the importance of having the spirit with us and he seemed to really like it and enjoy it. It was great!

Last week we had lunch with Casal Nelsons, we had enchiladas! Oh my goodness!! I miss good food! But I have really grown to love rice! Anytime we eat anything with rice I get all excited cuz there are so many types, I love it! Portuguese food is pretty interesting. The longer I’m here the more I start to like it too.

Anyways well that’s about it for this week. Sorry it’s not a lot. It was just kind of slow with Elder Clark packing and we did a lot of time at the chapel working on this member book thing we are doing. So we didn’t have lots of lessons and stuff. Thank you all for everything. You are all an inspiration to me.
Thank you so much.
Love Elder Gray

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