Sooo..this week has been interesting in a few ways. I have some pretty funky things going on with myself. I have some crazy weird thing going on with my hand. Almost like a super dry problem and it has caused this big crack in my ring finger, so typing with it hurts, I don’t get it. I have been using lotion and stuff too, I don’t know. I need to go to the pharmacy place but I’m just a slacker when it comes to that stuff. I have never liked going to a doctor or anything like that, and it costs money, its just weird cuz its humid here! It should be the opposite, but it is SO, SO HOT! My goodness, I sweat like a pig! It is GROSS! Thank goodness you all don’t have to see me this way. I feel nasty. Ewww, wet nasty grossness!! But it’s still better than the cold. I sleep with a fan hitting right on me every night, its just so hot! And of course there is no a/c here. Duh!
So this mail is a bit late I know, its cuz we went to Ponte de Piedad, in Lagos. SO, SO COOL! We went with the Casals, the married couple missionaries, AND...the best part, so we go down these super long stairs and there are these boats there where tourists go and stuff and you can go thru caves and what not, but we were like oh man lame! we can’t do that. Missionaries can’t go on boats. But...The Casals were like are you guys allowed to do this? I was like no, but, maybe we can call president and ask. So I called president Terry and he said yes! What?! I could not believe it, so we did it! We went on a boat ride and got to check out these crazy cool caves and stuff! It was so, so much fun. I loved it! I was just wishing I had a more fun comp that would say more than just like ya...oh ya, uh huh..oh. Like come on!! Uh Boring! But I had Elder Nelson there with me, so it was ok. Then after that we went to Sagres, it is the furthest point west in the southern end of Portugal. Pretty cool! Hot, and we walked a lot! Then we played basketball which I was not planning cuz I only had my flip flops, but we met up with other elders and played b- ball, so I played in my flip flops, totally worth it. It was a blast! But now...Ouch. My feet are killing me. I split open my right foot. So it really is no fun.
Okay so now some weekly stuff. We met this girl, her name is Tania. Her mom is a member, but very inactive. She hasn’t been to church in like 15 yrs. She was the one that got in contact with a member dude that lives close by, so we were like oh cool she wants to talk! Ok! SO, we go over there, turns out her daughter, Tania, is having a problem with visions. Her dad died 10 years ago, but she said that he is coming to her and she can see and talk to him, and he is telling her she needs to kill herself so she can be with him. Wow. When I heard that I was just wide eyed like what? are you serious?! She was crying and could barely even talk. I couldn’t believe it. She said she just really wants him gone and it’s really scaring her. Yeah, I’m sure! She is 15 by the way. So I was just dumbfounded like what on earth do I say?!?! Right now, think about that, what would you say? Well it was hard for me for a minute. But then I said, “first we can give you a blessing if you so desire,” then I thought for a minute, gave her a Book of Mormon, and said, “look, read 3 Nephi 11, then read Moroni 10.” Then I explained the very importance of prayer afterwards. So we left that with her then told her we can talk more at church. She didn’t come that week, she was sick, but then the next week, this week, she came. And the first thing I asked her was about her reading and if she was praying and she said with a big smile, yes I am. I then got this big smile and I was like good!! Keep going! Then I asked about her seeing her dad thing, and she said it has not happened since she started reading! AH, how cool is that! I was so, so happy! And it was just kind of cool cuz I was the one that thought of what to say cuz my comp just stood there with air in his head so it seems, he didn’t say a word the whole time. Uhhggg! But, ONE more week and I get a new comp! :) But ya, so that was really crazy. I hope she comes this week too and she continues to progress.
Yesterday we had an awesome lesson with a less active member named Irmao Pinto. Stud! but very, very mixed up in stuff, and old. BUT, he was really confused why we cant drink wine. Jesus did, so he thinks it’s totally fine. Another pretty tough question, because of the fact Jesus did, he just holds to that. SO, I just went off, it was really cool. Honestly, I don’t really remember exactly what I said. I really feel that the spirit just came in and took over 100 percent! Whoa! he was paying such good attention too I was loving it. And the Portuguese wasn’t feeling so hard either, so I KNOW without a doubt I had the spirit with me guiding me the whole way. Missionaries are so blessed to be able to have the spirit! BUT Satan is STILL here and working super duper hard on us. I know that. So we have to be constantly on our knees asking for strength.
It really is rewarding when you are doing what is right! The blessings come in like a heavy river flow. I really am so, so grateful for the gospel, for the gift of the Holy Ghost. And how amazing is this work, I love teaching. I love it. I always look forward to all the lessons we have. They are always such a blessing for us, because lessons don’t happen too often at all...but it’s really amazing when we have one. I love this work. And I know without a doubt it will continue to go forward! Thank you all for all you do for me. I love the letters! I would like more to the apartment tho, you are ALL slackers on that one. Except mommy and daddy. Especially not dad :) I love em. And mommy likes to try to make me fat. :/ ha-ha, but thank you so much! (Jason...Are you still alive??)I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Have a great week! Love Elder Gray
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